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Administrative Council

The policy and management of the IARU are carried out by the Administrative Council (AC). The AC:

a) coordinates the representation or the interests of amateur radio at international telecommunications conferences with the regional organizations, under the direction of the President;

b) establishes long-range planning in close cooperation with the regional organizations to preserve the basic purposes of amateur radio;

c) serves as coordinator between the regional organizations on all matters of mutual interest;

d) formulates such proposals for consideration by the Member-Societies as may be necessary to further the objectives of the IARU; and

e) adopts such resolutions and recommendations as will facilitate the functioning of the IARU.

The members of the Administrative Council are the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, and two members from each of the regional organizations. No member may have a professional interest which conflicts with the objectives of the IARU.

The AC normally meets in person annually at or near the venue of a regional conference. Virtual meetings are held as required. Summary records of the meetings are available here.

Also available in Español (Spanish).

Print This Page Updated on March 10, 2020

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