

sismoA mighty 8.2‑magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern Chile late Tuesday, April 1ST, triggering small landslides, cutting power and generating a tsunami.

From Santiago, colleague Dino Besomi, Area G Director, informed: “Luckily (for us), the earthquake affected the northern part of the country, some 2,000 km from the central zone, so we didn’t feel it. Thanks to the preparation and earthquake culture of the country, there are only 6 casualties to regret, which for an 8.2 Richter shake is very little. The operation of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, led by RCCh, was as expected, thanks to the intense daily preparation that we have on 80−40−20−15, 2 meters and UHF. Immediately, we received offers of help and collaboration from the Argentinian RC and from the Peruvian Relief Net, in the framework of a relationship that becomes stronger every day”.

On its part, the ARRL reported that “Traffic nets have been established by the Chileans on 7.055, 14.255 and 21.315 MHz. Please try to keep those frequencies clear.”

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