
IARU R2 Executive Committee

The IARU Region 2 Executive Committee held its annual meeting on 19 & 20 November 2011 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Attending the meeting were IARU R2 President Reinaldo Leandro, YV5AM; Vice- president José Arturo Molina, YS1MS; Secretary and Area C Director Ramón Santoyo, XE1KK; Treasurer and Area E Director Noel E. Donawa, 9Y4X; Area A Director Daniel A. Lamoureux, VE2KA; Area B Director Jay Bellows, K0QB; Area D Director Marco Tulio Gudiel, TG9AGD; Area F Director Gustavo de Faria Franco PT2ADM and Area G Director Dino Besomi, CE3PG. Representing the International Secretariat was Secretary Rod Stafford, W6ROD and representing IARU Region 1 was its President, Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T.

You can read a summary of the discussions and actions here.

Also available in Español (Spanish).

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