
IARU R2 meets Aruba’s Prime Minister

At the request of the Aruba Amateur Radio Club (AARC), IARU member society, representatives from IARU Region 2 meet on September 25th with His Excellency Mr. Mike Eman, Prime Minister of Aruba, to request his support in solving a decade long problem: while foreigners visiting Aruba can obtain reciprocal license in an expedite manner, nationals of Aruba can’t present exams and therefore can’t be licensed. This unusual situation, that seems to be a minor legal issue, has drastically impede the growth of Amateur Radio in Aruba for years. Prime Minister Eman showed interest in the case and offered to follow up the legal arguments that AARC is sending to various government instances.

The group of also meet separately with Mr. Paul Croes, Chairman of Parliament of Aruba and with Senator Andin C. G. Bikker. Both of them kindly offered to review this matter.

On the picture, left to right, Prime Minister Mike Eman, IARU Region 2 Secretary Ramon Santoyo V. XE1KK, IARU Region 2 Treasurer and Area E Director, that includes Aruba, Noel E. Donawa 9Y4X and AARC President Randy Geerman P43W. Also present in the meetings was AARC Vice-Presidente Rubin Ponson P43CP who took this picture.

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