
Honduran radio amateur very successful in Island On The Air (IOTA) 2013 world contest

hq3w_4The efforts of Honduran radio amateur Daniel Mejía Rodríguez, HR2DMR, and his team will be recognized soon in the 50th RSGB IOTA Convention, to be held on July 4 – 6, 2014 at the Beaumont House, Windsor, England. The team led by Daniel was able to obtain the best score in the American continent and the 12th position at world level among Island Activators, a very prestigious position. This earned them the Diamond Certificate, the highest award granted by that institution.

To participate in the contest, HR2DMR had to make QSOs in the amateur radio bands to activate the Honduran islands of Cayos Cochinos, Santanilla, Cayos Vivorillos and Isla del Tigre. This implied the logistics for the transportation of all the necessary gear, both for ham radio operations and for survival, since the islands are not usually inhabited. The radio gear used included Kenwood TS-440 and TS-480S transceivers, Heathkit SB-200 and Dentron TW-500A amplifiers, fiberglass, wire dipoles and multiband verticals, as well as two power generators. The expedition wouldn’t have been possible without the collaboration of the Honduran Naval Force, FNH.

Congratulations to Daniel for this well-deserved success, which we celebrate throughout Region 2.

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